Entrepreneur v/s wantpreneur
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Entrepreneur v/s wantpreneur

The winning mindset 

Before we move on to the topic let me delineate you a situation. Imagine you went for fishing on a sunny afternoon, with your fishing rod in your hand you look into the bucket count five fishes were there.

All of sudden one fish decides to jump off the bucket into the pond.
You look again into the bucket and count them again.

How many fishes are still there?

Well if you answer four like most of the people.
Then you are wrong my friend because the fish just decided to jump....but actually didn't jumped.
The fish became paralyzed by the dreadful result if she fails.  

What if I'm again caught?

What if I could not make up to the pond?

et cetera et cetera ....

Now you must have got the message, most of us  are stuck in our life because we spend far more time on thinking rather than doing, it executing the plan or blaming ourself, our financial situation and end up doing nothing leaving us on the very same starting point.
Take action it will instantly shut off the voice in your mind and surrounding. Keep this in your mind if you succeed in your goals you become a success story and if you fail you will get the experience.

Always remember the golden rule SUCCESS comes by making right DECISION and you make right decision based on your EXPERIENCE and experience comes with FAILURE.

So my dear friend be the fish that jump back into the pond. Be the fish that jumps towards her goals,her dreams and her aspiration.

Be the fish that wins at life. Become the Entrepreneur who wins not the wantpreneur who blames his condition for his failures.


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