How To Increase Productivity During Global Lockdown
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How To Increase Productivity During Global Lockdown

Most of us are now working from home due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19. So it becomes most important to remain productive while working from home. It becomes more difficult to work efficiently being surrounded by comfort and distractions for those who are working from home for the first time due to COVID-19. Here are a few habits which one can adopt to increase there efficiency during these uncertain times.

How To Increase Productivity During Global Lockdown

  • Establish a morning routine:-If we establish and stick to our morning routine, we can quickly get back into a productive rhythm that prepares your mind for the work ahead each morning.       
  • Create your personal work area:-Our ambiance impact us heavily. an environment meant for rest and leisure doesn't always land itself to maximum productivity. Rather, create an environment at home that is meant for work and your productivity is sure to increase.                  
  • Work your normal hours:- Because these are the hours that your mind and body have become accustomed to working over the years and they are the hours when you are certain to be more productive. 
    How To Increase Productivity During Global Lockdown

  • Last but not the least, Stay upto date by connecting with your friends and colleagues.   

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